Jekyll, Haml, Sass and GitHub Pages
24 FEBRUARY 2013A recap of how I got this Jekyll blog ready..
To start, create a basic Jekyll directory following the instructions on Jekyll's Wiki.
By default, Jekyll only works with HTML and CSS..
To use Jekyll with Haml and Sass, markup converters have to be added.
However, by design, Jekyll doesn't evaluate layouts
through any Haml converter.
Therefore the converter will only work for index.haml
that doesn't contain much code.
There are work arounds to ensure that Haml layouts
will get converted to HTML, but the layouts
wouldn't get parsed and reloaded for jekyll --auto --server
In the end, my layouts
are in HTML because the rapid feedback was important to me.
Anyway, to add Haml and Sass converters, create a _plugins
Add a Haml converter at _plugins/haml.rb
module Jekyll
require 'haml'
class HamlConverter < Converter
safe true
priority :low
def matches(ext)
ext =~ /haml/i
def output_ext(ext)
def convert(content)
engine =
rescue StandardError => e
puts "!!! HAML Error: " + e.message
Add a Sass converter _plugins/sass.rb
and place .scss
files in ./assets/css
module Jekyll
require 'sass'
class SassConverter < Converter
safe true
priority :low
def matches(ext)
ext =~ /scss/i
def output_ext(ext)
def convert(content)
engine =, :syntax => :scss, :load_paths => ["./assets/css/"])
rescue StandardError => e
puts "!!! SASS Error: " + e.message
Everything should work up till this point, and _site
would contain the generated blog.
However, pushing this directory straight up to GitHub will fail. Because plugins are evil:
The Pages server will not build with plugins that are not marked as safe.
Note that this includes all plugins in the _plugins folder.
The deployment becomes slightly complex, and we'll borrow some ideas from Octopress.
Convert the current directory branch from master
to source
$> git branch -m master source
Add _site
to .gitignore
$> echo '_site' >> .gitignore
Create a deployment directory.
$> mkdir deploy
Add deploy
to .gitignore
$> echo 'deploy' >> .gitignore
Make deploy
a master branch.
$> cd deploy
$> git init .
$> git commit -am "Initialize"
$> git remote add origin ...
Add a Rake task that copies _site
files in source
branch to deploy
(master branch).
This Rake task will also commit and push the site to GitHub.
desc "Deploy"
task :deploy do
puts "## Deploying to Github Pages.."
(Dir["#{deploy_dir}/*"]).each { |f| rm_rf(f) }
puts "## Copying #{public_dir} to #{deploy_dir}"
cp_r "#{public_dir}/.", deploy_dir
cd "#{deploy_dir}" do
system "git add ."
system "git add -u"
puts "## Commiting: Site updated at #{}"
message = "Site updated at #{}"
system "git commit -m \"#{message}\""
puts "## Pushing generated #{deploy_dir} website"
system "git push origin master --force"
puts "## Deploy Complete!"
Finally, the site can now be deployed to GitHub pages!
One last thing. To get syntax highlighting with Pygments, generate and include the CSS file.
pygmentize -S default -f html > assets/css/pygments.css
Maybe I should have just used Octopress.